Blue Moon in Cancer, partial Lunar Eclipse. What a powerful way to begin 2010, a New Year, a New Decade.
What a wonderful time to affirm our intentions, prayers & visions for a new paradigm. We are so blessed to be alive at this time. I feel so much gratitude, love & appreciation for all the abundance, health, life, love, family, friends, community, gifts and teachers in my life. I am thankful for this beautiful aina, Kauai, and her waters. I bless and honor my aumakua (guides). I honor all my relations.
Astrologically, the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Pluto, & the North Node are all in Capricorn. Focusing energy on integrity and consequences, Capricorn teaches us about maturity and responsibility. The Sun in Capricorn points us toward where we need to be, dedicated and impeccable in our commitments. The Moon in Cancer illuminates what we need in order to accomplish our goals, the kind of physical, emotional, and spiritual nourishment necessary to fulfill our destiny. This Cancer-Capricorn Full Moon/eclipse reminds us that we have essentially two choices: We can either act or react; choose to move forward or hold on to old paradigms.
This is also a SuperMoon, where the Moon is both perigee (closest to the Earth) and syzygy (in line with the Sun and Earth). SuperMoons intensify the gravitational pulls of the Sun and Moon, generating higher tides both on large bodies of water and on the fluids in our body.
Lunar eclipses are an even more precise alignment of the Sun, Moon, and Earth; where the Moon passses through the shadow of the Earth. This briefly interrupts solar and lunar electromagnetic flows supporting existing patterns; making it easier for us to release and reform at a higher level. What has been in the shadows, below the threshold of awareness, is more easily accessed and expressed. We see more clearly where we are and where we need to go.
In essence, this is a very powerful Blue Moon. If you are blessed to live near the ocean, go to her and receive a cleansing, and rejuvenation of your auric fields. Bathe in the negative charged ions, realign your intentions, and recommit to accomplishing your life purpose. It is a wonderful time to release any negative patterns or energies that do not serve your highest potential or growth. A cosmically charged time to reflect on your intention and focus on manifesting your dreams.
With that said, I am going to wish all a blessed New Year, and may your frustrations transform to positive fruitions. May you be blessed with peace, health, happiness, abundance, joy & love. May all your relations be in harmony. May you realize and attain your life purpose & your highest potential.
I have just come from the ocean, I am truly blessed; and as I write this blog, the beautiful sunny day is transforming. A powerful energy is gathering. Outside it is now swirling with strong winds, causing trees to bend, creak & sing as leaves dance thru the air. The sky darkens as clouds swell with rain gathering in the sky. What Divinity! Pure sweet waters fall from the heavens. Mahalo ke Akua! (Thank you Creator/Great Spirit!)
I send my love & blessings.
Me ke aloha pumehana (with my fondest regards).