Danse Arts Yoga Acadamie

Danse Arts Yoga Acadamie
Bless the life giving waters.

Danse Arts Yoga Acadamie

Danse Arts Yoga Acadamie

Sacred Geometry ~ To the Four Directions

Sacred Geometry ~ To the Four Directions
As Above ~ So Below

Shakti Rising ~ Belly Dance

Shakti Rising ~ Belly Dance

Offerings & Invocation

Offerings & Invocation
Fire Dance offerings to light the path.

Arc of Light

Arc of Light
Back bending creates Heart openings!

Warrior Princess

Warrior Princess
Fire spinning combined with martial arts & acrobatics.


Polynesian voyaging canoes arrive in Kauai

Te Mana o ka Moana
Polynesian voyaging canoes arrive in Hawai`i on Pacific expedition.

Ia wa`a nui
Ia wa’a nui (That large canoe)
Ia wa’a kioloa (That long canoe)
Ia wa ‘a peleleu (That broad canoe)
A lele måmala (Let chips fly)
A manu a uka (The bird of the upland)
A manu a kai (The bird of the lowland)
' I'iwi pølena (The red Hawaiian honeycreeper (a native bird; the young 'i'iwi was yellowish—“pølena”))
A kau ka høkü (The stars hang above)
A kau i ka malama (The daylight arrives)
A pae i kula (Bring [the canoe] ashore)
‘Åmama, ua noa (‘Åmama, the kapu is lifted)



Crystal Love


Summer Fun ~ Peaceful Martial Arts for Children

Vote for Pua La`a in Wild Yogi photo contest.

My photo has been chosen for a photo contest with Wild Yogi Magazine.
Please visit this link, and click on my photo  to vote for me.
Thank you so much.
Blessings and Namaste,
Pua La`a

As above, so below.




Dancing for Daryl Hall

I had the honor of dancing for Daryl Hall who was shooting an episode of Live From Darly's House.
It was a last minute invite, that provided fun and sharing by wonderful artists and musicians that Todd & Michelle Rundgren invited to their lovely home in Kahili Kai.

To view video click on the above link, and on the right scroll to 'Bang on the Drum Song'



Tsunami in Japan 2011

My prayers to the people in Japan that are suffering from the tsunami, and the damage. So many lives lost, so many people affected, and now many are without food, water, homes, transportation. I am praying that the nuclear reactors don't leak. I am praying that there can be peace and restoration of harmony.


Yoga, Love & the Beloved

Ishvara Pranidhana: Surrender to the Divine

Yoga can be defined as union of body, mind and spirit. Yoga has many definitions, benefits and meanings. My yoga practice is like going to church, meditation, masseuse, chiropractor, psychologist, doctor and phys. ed. all in one. It is a spiritual practice that maintains my physical, energetic, emotional, skeletal and nervous systems. Yoga is beyond words, it is an experiential understanding. My practice continues to inspire and humble me, in such a beautiful way. I absolutely love yoga!

As a masseuse I know that human beings thrive with touch. Many studies have documented this fact, including working with new born babies, and people with illnesses. I personally believe that the healing power of touch with compassionate love is immense.  This is a fundamental element in Taoist and Tantric teachings. Personally, I value touch, affection and love; I love love, and expressing it in kind gestures, caresses, words, and actions. My spirit is an expression of love.

I have found that often in my life, my 'yearning for the beloved' has been a source of a wealth of feelings, emotions, challenges and growth. I am continually remembering that the 'beloved' is everywhere, within myself, in nature, in God, in the lovely people whom I see. Yet, I have always carried a deeper yearning, for my partner in love, my companion, in a healthy, supportive, committed, loving relationship. That is a beautiful dream; however, it is not manifest and the lack of it can be the source of much sadness. I vacillate between rising above my needs, and looking at the spiritual truths regarding true nature of the self and union with the beloved, as in Divine Spirit/God; yet, as a human being there is still a need for love, connection, intimacy and touch.

So, this dance continues, between wanting, not needing, rising above, yearning........etc. All the while I continue the dance of daily life. The mind is a powerful thing, and it's patterns are hard to break, no matter how many times I rise above my need for connection and intimacy, the program is entrained. I see it exist for others, and I know it is possible, yet it continues to elude me.

These thoughts can create feelings of sadness and negative emotions, which can be disruptive for my yoga practice and well being. That is where that real practice begins, in not letting my mental and emotional states deter my yogic practice. By commiting to do my daily Ashtanga yoga practice, I set aside (even if it be temporarily) any disturbances and fluctuations of the mind. Breath by breath I am present in the moment, uniting body, mind and spirit in this presence.

The beauty of it is, that soon enough the joy of yoga supercedes the fluctuations of the mind, sadness and negative emotions. By the time I am half way thru my practice I have experienced all the love, joy and touch that I craved from the beloved. Sweaty, steamy, stretchy, expansive, intimate, present, gentle, strong, loving and supportive......all the qualities that a good, loving 'session' should contain!

Then it is time for savasana, a time of rest and repose, allowing for the nervous, energetic and physical bodies to integrate the benefits of the practice.  I rise from my mat feeling completely refreshed and all my needs for true connection are met. I smile.....knowing that once again I have been my greatest lover, and through yoga I have 'union with the Divine', which is in me. Resting in a state of Advaita Vedanta (non-duality) I cherish my blessings, and am love, loved, the lover and beloved. May this state of grace be always with me.

Ishvara Pranidhana: offering all to the Divine, seeing all as Divine, surrendering to the Divine. Ishvara pranidhana is a means to the ultimate unified state of yoga: Samadhi; dissolving the endless agitations of the mind. It is a path to freedom of the egoic concepts of "I" and individual concerns and perspectives that create the dualistic concept of seperation. It is a path to grace, peace, clarity, and unconditional love.....for all, including myself.


Mahealani Malamalama (Full Moon Illumination)

Happy Full Moon in Cancer (Pushya Nakshatra), trining Jupiter.  An auspicious moon, this is a good time for nurturing, and balancing of emotions.

"As we perfect asana, we will come to understand the true nature of our embodiment, of our being, and the divinity that animates us. And when we are free from physical disabilities, emotional disturbances, and mental distractions, we open the gates to our soul (atma). To understand this, one must gain far more than technical proficiency, and one must do asana not merely as a physical exercise but as a means to understand and then integrate our body with our breath, with our mind, with our intelligence, with our consciousness, with our conscience, and with our core. In this way, one can experience true integration and reach the ultimate freedom."
'Light on Yoga'
B.K.S. Iyengar


1.11.11 11:11

Hawai`i Time, at this moment is 1.11.11 11:11

Blessings! That is a lot of 1's. For me it is a reminder that we are all one, connected on this planet Earth; one breath by breath creates a thread of consciousness. Let us unify in one heart, with one love, and bring peace & happiness to this world, once and for all!

Here is some information on the planetary alignments between January 8-14, 2011 via Sam Geppi, Vedic Astrologer:

Life is a series of moments, and in each moment we are choosing to do what is right, or what makes us happy; Mars (what is right) vs Venus (what makes us happy). Hopefully they are synonymus!

Vedic Astrology—Five Keys for more Courage & Discipline.

1. Wake up an hour earlier for meditation and solitude.
2. Eat what is best for your body, not necessarily what tastes the best.
3. When irritated with someone, wait before speaking.
4. Work out or exercise more – especially practice like yoga.
5. Speak up on behalf of  someone weaker or a cause you believe in.

Here is a video describing this transit in greater detail:


New Year Celebration!


I have so much gratitude, inspiration and joy flowing through me for all the Blessings I receive.

I feel a shift has occured with the past 12.21.10 Eclipse/Solstice/Full Moon. The energies had been building through the year with powerful planetary alignments, creating intense pressure perfect for personal growth in self, relationship to others, environment, and reality.

As I passed through periods of despair and sometimes disabling discouragement I berated myself for not being positively happy, fully content, and fully manifesting. Yes, I felt Gratitude for my blessings, yet still feelings of sadness that my life not what I had hoped, dreamed and wished for at this time, or how challenging and difficult it can be. I questioned the source of these feelings and perception, from a spiritual perspective. My spiritual tools that had carried me thus far in life was somehow not always enough in this time. I was being challenged, riding waves of emotions, being dispassionately unattached at best.

Bewildered by the less than beautiful perspective and ennui,  I intuited that I was learning the last and deepest lessons that were holding me back from a move forward to my next level of Evolution. I sensed if I just relaxed and let go of my feelings of discontent with my discontentment, and just breathed to get through those moments, that those moments would add up to be time, and time passes and heals all wounds right? So, I relaxed (not always with grace), I breathed (sometimes shallowly, sometimes with great vigor in yoga), and I let those moments pass. 

Thank Heavens for Yoga, which was my thread of clarity, grounding me in truth in the present moment breath by breath.  Thankful also to have a sanctuary, sacred space in my home to pass through this process. Thankful for the loved ones who supported me, believed in me, and reflected positive love to me.

Surprisingly, although the actual Eclipse moment didn't meet my 'ideal' standards of an enlightened and awakening moment........it did create a shift. An alignment did happened, and I did receive that Galactic intunement. I have realigned, remembered and reactiveated my truth, my destiny and my purpose here on this planet. (And it certainly isn't to feel bad and sorry about myself!)

I am here to shine my light, to be bright, to be brilliant! I am here to share, to love, to teach, to heal. I have studied and learned and shall always be a humble student....I am also a teacher; and I have a responsibility to teach what I have been blessed to learn. 

I am ready.

I am inspired.

I am Blessed.

I am Gratitude.

I chose Abundance. I chose Life. I chose to Love myself and others as Divine BeIngs of Energy and Light.

I share this with you in hopes that it touches your heart and brightens your light.
May you also be empowered and activated in your truth.

Blessings in this Dawn of a New Paradigm and Galactic Activation.