
Kalalea Fire Dance Troupe Revisited

'Retro Hawaii' by Kalalea Fire
I recently had the pleasure of dancing again with 'Kalalea Fire'. The theme for this O`ahu show was 'Bavarian Babes'. It was a wonderful experience with a sweet group of women. Hopefully we will have access to the video footage and photos of the performance. I just stumbled upon the above photo from a Retro Hawaii show in 2009, sent to me by Sol Art Studios, director of  Kalalea Fire.

Harmony Festival w/ DJ Gaudi
Link for video of past performance for 'The Dead' @ The Shoreline Amphitheater:
Kalalea Fire dances for 'The Dead'  (I come in for solos on stage right at 2:08 with fire staff, and at 4:23 with Ribbons.)