
Lovely and charming Brera, Milano

One of my favorite places to visit in Milan is Brera. It's cobble stone streets and narrow alleys are picturesque and full of beauty. Academia Brera hosts a musuem, art acadamy, with a historical astronomy look out tower, and a lovely garden that wafts of a sweet familiar scent that I love but can't place. Nostalgia mixes with awe and inspiration in lovely Brera. See the beauty at: Pinacoteca de Brera.

In Brera one can find exquisite high fashion shops, art exhibitions, ancient churchs, cool cafes, and next to the Academie  is Cesare Crespi, an artist supply shop established in 1880, where I picked up some art supplies to entertain right brain creativity and the artist within.
Images of Brera

Please enjoy the essence of Brera.


Viva Italia!

Bella Italia!

Lake Maggiore & Isola Bella  A beautiful island with a historic castle museum full of art and antiquities. I visited the town of Stresa, Italy and took the ferry to the picturesque island. Photos to be posted later.
Isola Bella images

Basilica of Sant'Ambrogio On a walk in Milano I stumbled upon this ancient church (year 379-386). Follow the link above or below for info and photos.
Basilica d`Ambrogio images

Basilica della Santa Maria Grazie  I feel completely speechless to the beauty and historic art contained herein. It is the home of Leonardo da Vinci's 'Last Supper'. da Vinci's Last Supper. I shall leave the art historians and experts to discuss this incredible work; I can only say that is absolutely beautiful and I am amazed. Maria della Grazie images

On another day's walkabout I visited the Piazza del Duomo MilanoDuomo de Milano images . Again I am speechless and in awe. I shall post photos later.

and... last but not least, my dear friend Zena who is amongst many things a creative artist and Milanese fashionista, was having her exhibit of Artistic Hats ZHAT.

I shall share more about my trip to Milan later. For now, all I can say is Viva Italia!


Inspiring Words from a Dear Friend, who has begun the practice of Ashtanga Yoga.

Pua La`a

Dancing, dancing, gliding effortlessly, 
from pose to pose, in the Light of Grace, 
she is her dance, the inner integrity of being
radiating outward, filling space with the Love of Goddess,

Inspirational and compelling, she beckons others to find their highest form;

As water that moves gracefully in and through changing landscapes,
Pua’s practice embraces the breadth and power of the sensual choreography of the Yogini, 

Such poetry in motion . . . 

I receive inspiration to breathe more deeply,
to extend beyond my preconceived limits,
to explore new and expanding vistas of my practice.

In gratitude I move forward, breathing ever more deeply. 

Only Love.