Danse Arts Yoga Acadamie

Danse Arts Yoga Acadamie
Bless the life giving waters.

Danse Arts Yoga Acadamie

Danse Arts Yoga Acadamie

Sacred Geometry ~ To the Four Directions

Sacred Geometry ~ To the Four Directions
As Above ~ So Below

Shakti Rising ~ Belly Dance

Shakti Rising ~ Belly Dance

Offerings & Invocation

Offerings & Invocation
Fire Dance offerings to light the path.

Arc of Light

Arc of Light
Back bending creates Heart openings!

Warrior Princess

Warrior Princess
Fire spinning combined with martial arts & acrobatics.


दया Daya: Sanskrit for compassion, sympathy is a divine quality and moral virtue.

दया  DAYA:
Daya or Compassion, is a fundamental teaching of the Sikh religion. The other four qualities in the arsenal are: Truth (Sat), Contentment (Santokh), Humility(Nimrata) and Love (Pyar). These five qualities are essential to a Sikh and it is their duty to meditate and recite the Gurbani so that these virtues become a part of their mind.
This concept says to not ignore tragedies that take place in the world but to face them head-on and do whatever is possible within ones means.
DAYA (usually spelt daia in Punjabi), from Sanskrit "Day" meaning to sympathize with, to have pity on, stands for compassion, sympathy. It means‘suffering in the suffering of all others’. It is deeper and more positive in sentiment than sympathy. Daya, cognitively, observes alien pain; affectively, it gets touched by it and moves with affectional responses for the sufferer; and cognitively it moves one to act mercifully, pityingly, with kindness and forgiveness. Daya is antithetical to hinsa (violence).
Daya is a divine quality and a moral virtue highly prized in all religious traditions. In the Sikh Scripture, mahadaial (super compassionate), daiapati (lord of compassion), daial dev (merciful god), karima, rahima (the merciful one), etc., have been used as attributive names of God  “Keep your heart content and cherish compassion for others; this way alone can your holy vow be fulfilled” (GG 299).


  1. This was taken from Wikipedia as the translation for 'daya'. D.A.Y.A is an acronym for Danse Arts Yoga Acadamie. I received the name while in a state of meditation after Ashtanga Yoga practice; when I looked up the word on the internet I learned it is Sanskrit for compassion. If anyone knows me well, then they know I am a very compassionate person, that wants to help and transform the energy of pain to one of peace. I thought the meaning to be very fitting, as well as the play on words, i.e.: 'DAYA~NEW DAY, NEW DAWN.
    Many blessings to all............
